Qualities of the Homeschool Family

by Jennifer Urbanic

One of the most common responses of any person who hears you homeschool your children is: “I can’t do that”.  Such a response comes without hesitation, and is predicated on incorrect assessments on the part of the speaker.

The truth is any functioning normal adult can homeschool their child. Let’s break down some of the inherent qualities of all of us as parents, and how they relate to their children’s education.


Mom– Queen of the Castle

Can you multi-task and plan? You do it every day! Have a good sense of how to lead as well as how to follow. You need to be able to make a list of goals and objectives for your child’s education. Don’t blame other parents for having different goals for that year; the beauty of the system is that you have latitude as to what to teach. It’s expected that not all parents want to teach the same things at the same time. Just focus on those goals and objectives for your children and have the courage to stick to them.

Homeschooling your children takes the same skills that you use now (shopping, cleaning and organizing) then adds educating, and builds well-educated children. The only thing missing today is you!


Dad – King of the Castle

You need to be able to set the standard and show the kids how important it is to follow through and show respect for others.  You need to be there when you are needed. You need to help organize and keep focus.

You like to spend time with your family when they are not overly tired. You cringe a little when you come home to bags and bags of school supplies, but if you live in Iowa, Arizona, Minnesota, Illinois, Louisiana, Indiana


and Georgia you can receive a tax credit.

You wish you could read and enjoy more of the topics you liked as a child and share and relive that moment with your kids. You worry having the kids around 24/7 will make your wife insane and stressed and lessen your chances to be alone with her. It’s going to be OK! Home-schooling allows your spouse the flexibility of schedule to

accomplish educational goals when and where they work best, not just because a clock says it must be so.

Children –

What do you need from your children? The same things you need from them now; discipline, integrity, respect and good study habits. They’ll enjoy the schedule, the freedom and room to exercise initiative and partnership in their own education.

The next time you hear someone home-schools, don’t assume they are saying they are better or more patient than you. Don’t say you could never. Homeschooling is about routines and family and friends. You are probably already dabbling in homeschooling by helping and assisting your children in a way the public schools can’t or won’t. Homeschool can be time saving, it cuts down on the travel and waiting times you children experience with public or private schools.

“You are never to old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”  C.S. Lewis

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